Classic Software creates it's own Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) applications. We specialize in load tenders (204's), load decisions (990's), load status (214's), invoices (210's), and invoice confirmations (997's).
While there is an element of standardization in EDI applications, no two shippers have the same requirements. Each shipper specifies what forms, segments, and fields they need.
With that variation in mind, Classic customizes all EDI applications to meet the shipper's requirements. Most shippers require the carrier to work through an EDI VAN (Value Added Network). Classic is neutral on the issue, simply accommodating your needs.
Your system will be setup to pass data to/from a receiver (usually the VAN), via some file transfer protocol (usually ftp). The 204 files create Classic dispatch records (assuming you accept the load). 990's accept or decline loads (from 204's). 214's notify the shipper of the status of the load (arrived at pickup, departed pickup, etc). 210's serve as the invoice. 997's can serve various purposes. Usually it is sent by the shipper to confirm they received the invoice (210).